Doing Life Together
Life is full of significant moments, and as a community we want to support, celebrate with, and care for people.
Pastoral Care
At King’s we encourage:

Healthy responsibility – Encouraging people, as best they can, to take responsibility for their own lives

One-anothering – Recognising we need to support each other

Prayer – Believing situations can be transformed when we pray in the power of the Holy Spirit

Encouragement – Directing people to Biblical truth, relevant resources and referrals that will help them
How do I get help?
Get connected
Firstly, we encourage you to get connected at King's and to share your needs with your group leader or with the leader of the ministry in which you volunteer.
Prayer on Sundays
The Prayer Team is also available to pray with you at the end of Sunday meetings.
Pastoral Care Clinic
The Pastoral Care Clinic is a place where you can meet with an experienced pastoral volunteer who will listen and pray with you. This is in person at the Catford site, or online via Zoom. Appointments are available via the church office.
Get in touch
You can also get in touch by emailing our pastoral team or by phone on 020 8690 4646 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm).
Key Life Events
If you attend King’s we would love to be involved in key events in your life such as engagements, weddings, births, as well as bereavement. We believe big decisions and life events are best done in community where we can share wisdom and pray for you, as well as help practically if we can.
You can let your Site Leader or any of the pastoral staff know about these kinds of events, and if you’re part of a group you can speak to your group leader so they can pray and support you through these moments.
We can host naming ceremonies in person or online, along with families, but we do encourage you to join in our Thanksgiving services. Please get in touch if you are interested in one of the pastors helping with this.
Relationship Matters is a one-day seminar that runs at King’s twice a year for anyone who is serious about the next steps in their relationship. If you would like to know when the next seminar is, check out the Events page or get in touch. Marriage mentors are available to support you through the marriage preparation journey.
We prioritise marrying people who are members or who have attended King's regularly for six months, but if you have any questions, please get in touch and we may be able to help.
There is time within a normal Sunday service where we ask families to come forward as the Thanksgiving part of the service. We pray for the parents and for the baby or child, giving thanks for their life and for the parents to raise them to come to know Jesus. We usually have a few of these services each year.
We prioritise those who are members or have attended Kings regularly. We don’t hire out our buildings for funerals, but we know bereavement is a very tough process so do contact us and we can see how we can support you.
There may be for members or regular attenders who are facing financial challenges as well as a bereavement. This comes out of the HOPE fund. Please get in touch and we will be happy to discuss.
Get in touch
For more information or simply to get in touch, please email us at or phone 020 8690 4646.
020 8690 4646
King's Church London
21 Meadowcourt Road